The Theatre Arts Department at Snow College is a 2 year Associates Degree program
in the art and craft of play production. It includes the study of acting for the stage
and film, set design, lighting design, costume design, makeup, dramatic literature,
theatre improvisation, theatre history, and contemporary film. In addition to the
scholarly and practical exploration of these subjects in the classroom, the Snow Theatre
program emphasizes the practical application of knowledge gained and skills learned
through a season of annual productions before live audiences.
- More Opportunities Right from the Start: Unlike many schools, Snow Theatre has no restrictions on participation for 1st and
2nd year students. Also, there is no BFA degree program to compete with for performance
opportunities, space, and resources, often a stifling reality within many college
theatre programs.
- Student Centered Teaching: Small course sizes ensure an individualized experience where you won't be lost in
the crowd. Professors know your name and know your educational and artistic goals.
- Experienced Professional Faculty: At Snow Theatre, you won't be taught by a TA or a grad student. You'll learn from
working industry professionals with high caliber training who are also great teachers.
- Award-Winning Arts Division Advisor: Barb Dalene, recently awarded as Best Advisor in Utah colleges, is the advisor for
Snow College’s Arts Division. Barb works exclusively with Arts Division students to
make sure they are supported and successful.
- Practical Experience: 5 main stage productions per year, 2 or more student directed works per year, the
24-hour Play Festival, an evening of one-act plays each semester, and the 10-minute
Play Festival, plus our popular student improv team, Let Them Improvise!
- Well-rounded Theatre Training: Snow College believes the best performers are knowledgeable in all aspects of theatre
and supports this goal by affording each student with opportunities to explore all
aspects of theatre performance and production.
- Great Performance Facilities: 535-seat proscenium theater & 100 seat black box, each consistently updated to meet
industry standards and provide dynamic staging opportunities.
- Shows that sell: Snow Theatre has a dedicated and passionate audience base, so students
don't perform to empty houses. You'll be getting up in front of 200 people or more
per night on our mainstage and 100 people in our intimate blackbox theatre.
- 20-year NAST Accreditation: The National Association of Schools of Theatre has chosen Snow College for official
accreditation, one of the few 2-year theatre programs in the nation to receive this
honor. Snow Theatre has held this badge for 20 years, 18 years longer than any other
Utah college theatre program.
- Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival: Snow College participates with at least one show at KCACTF every year. In the past,
Snow Theatre shows have been nominated for festival awards, scenes from performances
have been invited for performance, and Snow students have been award finalists in
technical fields and performance competions.
- Paid Student Positions: Snow Theatre students may work in paid positions in many areas in the department,
such as the scene shop, costume studio, and box office.
- Music Department Connection Opportunities: Snow College Theatre works in tandem with our colleagues in the Horne School of Music,
a renowned 4-year music program. Snow Theatre students can audition to perform in
operas, or even start in Theatre and transfer to the Music Department to complete
a 4-year degree. Plus Snow Theatre students have the opportunity to work with outstanding
professional music department faculty in vocal and performance training courses.

Transferring to a 4-year Program
- Preparation: Snow Theatre has an entire course developed to help you prepare and succeed with
transfer to 4-year schools. Some opportunities include full tuition to Weber State
University, $30,000 per year scholarship to Westminster College, and substantial scholarships
from Idaho State University.
- Transfer Agreements: Snow College has smooth transfer agreements with most schools of higher education
in Utah. We’re also forging a clear pathway for students to spend two years at Snow
and then transfer into Utah Valley University's BFA Actor program.
- After Transfer: You'll have your general education credits complete, a strong foundation of practical
experience on stage, and will have saved thousands of dollars in tuition and other
college costs.
- Snow Theatre Grads Work: Our graduates have moved on and completed Masters in Fine Arts degrees, worked professionally
in all areas of the industry, and moved on to run theatre programs in high schools
all over Utah. From the current Head of Theatre Education in the State of Utah, to
the Stage Manager at the Hale Centre Theatre in Orem, Snow Theatre grads work.
Space to Grow
Snow is off the beaten path (about 30 minutes from Nephi, and an hour from Provo).
Students have room to find a sense of independence, a place to concentrate on their
education and craft. Snow is a small town school
that delivers big on student success.
Missions Scholarship Deferment
Snow Theatre will hold and defer your scholarship if you decide to pause your education
for religious purposes.
Ongoing Connection
Nearly all Snow Theatre grads come back to see our shows and catch up with faculty
in-person and from afar. Further, most say they wish their transfer school was more
like Snow. We can't help that last part, but Snow Theatre can give you a warm, formative,
exciting two years to start off your college theatre experience.